Menu for Week of 6/26 Delivery is Up

  Mexican Steak Taco Bowl + Summer = A Perfect Match  The Mexican Steak Taco Bowl may just be the ideal summer dish. "Why?" you ask (this is the part where you ask...its OK, I can wait).  Nice! OK, there are two reasons.  It is fast - only 10 minutes hands-on and 20 minutes … [Read more...]

Menu for Week of 6/19 is Up

The Mysterious Origins of Chimichurri Unlike most foods, no one agrees where the word for the Argentinean parsley sauce known as chimichurri came from. It may be from the Sicilian salmoriglio sauce used on seafood and vegetables, or coined by captured British soldiers after the failed invasion of Rio de la … [Read more...]

New Menu (Delivering Throughout the Midwest) for June 12 Week is Up

Toasted Gnocchi with Asparagus & Edamame Toasted gnocchi is our favorite kind of gnocchi and if you haven't had gnocchi toasted you have to try the Toasted Gnocchi with Asparagus & Edamame (OK can you tell we love saying the word is just so darn fun!) Beside the gnocchi (there we did it … [Read more...]

New Menu for Week of 6/5 Delivery is Up

Meez Goes Cajun Jambalaya was created in the French Quarter of New Orleans as the Spanish were attempting to make paella in the new world.  With no disrespect to our friends in Spain or Louisiana, we think our Shrimp and Andouille Jambalaya is the best we have ever tasted. It starts with a smoky, flavorful … [Read more...]