Menu for 8/14 Week is Up

Nuova Insalata Italiana Nothing is better during the dog days of summer than a nice fresh, crisp, flavorful salad.  We drew our inspiration from Italy for our NEW Asiago Italian Salad which brings together all your Italian favorites. With an irresistable Asigo dressing, roasted red peppers, olives, … [Read more...]

New Menu for 7/31 Week is Up

Meez's Summer Blockbuster The movie studio film releases are now coming Fast and Furious but Meez Meals has a way for you to be a Wonder Woman (or Iron Man) for your family next week - order the NEW Shrimp Tostadas! We are crisping up corn tortillas and topping them with mildly-spicy black beans, sauteed … [Read more...]

Inside Meez: Get To Know Phoenix Bean Company

One of our favorite things about Meez is introducing our members to new ingredients and recipes. One ingredient we get questions about all the time is our tofu. “Where can I find Meez tofu?” “My son is hooked on your tofu. Where can I buy it?” “My husband has never liked tofu until now. … [Read more...]

Menu for Week of 6/19 is Up

The Mysterious Origins of Chimichurri Unlike most foods, no one agrees where the word for the Argentinean parsley sauce known as chimichurri came from. It may be from the Sicilian salmoriglio sauce used on seafood and vegetables, or coined by captured British soldiers after the failed invasion of Rio de la … [Read more...]